Dental implants have truly changed the lives of many patients with complete missing teeth. Treatments revolving around hybrid restorations, all-on-4 approach, and the teeth-in-a-day concept, have helped millions of patients regain their confidence and have a greater quality of life.
But unfortunately, many such patients are being inappropriately channeled into a hybrid restoration model- one that is faster, easier, and cheaper, but not necessarily better. Many patients unnecessarily go through traumatic cut down of their jaw bone so they can get ‘fitted’ into a hybrid restoration, overlooking the alternative approach that preserves and augments tissues with much better aesthetic and functional results. In this blog as part of Hints & Tips in Dentistry, Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi discusses a ‘no-bone-cut-down’ approach with pink-free restorations to help patients replace their missing teeth with restorations resembling natural teeth.