Closure / Repair of Oroantral Fistula (OAF) Caused by Bone Loss Around Dental Implants
Oroantral Fistula is a pathological abnormal communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus which may arise as a result of bone loss and…
Oroantral Fistula is a pathological abnormal communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus which may arise as a result of bone loss and…
Historically, removal of failing dental implants was a difficult and traumatic procedure requiring extensive bone cutting around the implant. But not anymore! With newer techniques,…
Post-operative discomfort following placement of dental implants often resolves within a few days. However, pain persisting weeks or even months after implant placement indicates either…
Post-operative discomfort following placement of dental implants often resolves within a few days. However, pain persisting weeks or even months after implant placement indicates either…