If you find the treatment process for dental implant replacement of missing teeth confusing, you are not alone; terms like ‘comprehensive,’ ‘phase 1 and 2 dentistry,’ ‘diagnostics,’ and ‘team approach’ may not have much meaning to you. After all, patients just know that they have teeth missing, and they would like to replace them in a way to help them eat better and smile more. But how do you get there? Who should provide this type of treatment? What is the best order of treatment? Complications almost always happen because the treatment was either outside the evidence-based principles or performed by inexperienced clinicians.
In a recent video, ‘Patients’ Guide To Understanding Dental Implant Treatment Process’ Dr. Kazemi presented step-by-step how a patient goes from searching the right dentist all the way to getting their new teeth. Here is a synopsis:
- Search for the right team of dentists: an oral surgeon and a skilled restorative dentist.
- Comprehensive evaluation by each dentist with diagnostics that includes full mouth series of X-rays, CBCT (cone beam CT scan), detailed examination of teeth (restorations, periodontal health, endodontic health, position, bite, etc.), photos, models, and a full aesthetic and functional analysis.
- Treatment plan design by collaborating dentists.
- Phase 1 therapy (necessary extractions, endodontic treatments, restorative procedures, initial periodontal therapy).
- Phase 2 therapy (bone grafting, dental implant placement, cosmetic procedures, final restorations).
- Continued assessment and evaluation at every stage of the treatment.
The key to dental implant success is a well-designed treatment plan based on a comprehensive examination and diagnostics, the right team of skilled dentists, and following the process step-by-step. Anything less is a compromise and guaranteed to result in complications.