Odontogenic cysts and lesions of endodontic origin are common conditions that are often discovered during routine dental exams and X-rays. In many circumstances, patients may be completely asymptomatic. Such lesions appear on dental X-rays as a dark, somewhat circular area known as radiolucency. They can occur either adjacent or in close proximity to adjacent teeth. The radiolucency or darkness is due to loss of calcification and bone in the area, and they are loosely referred to as a ‘cyst.’ Such lesions may be inflammatory, such as an abscess, cystic, or malignant tumor. So it is crucial to manage it as soon as possible.
Here are the key points to keep in mind if your dentist discovers ‘dark areas’ around your teeth or jaw bone:
- First, have it checked out immediately. It is not a good idea to keep an eye on it
- See your oral surgeon for a cone beam CT scan and initial assessment
- See your endodontist for a proper evaluation of the involved and adjacent teeth
- Close collaboration and communication between the doctors are critical
- Cystic lesions must be removed and biopsied for definitive diagnosis.
- Close follow-up and post-treatment imaging are important to ensure stability and health.
Check out this video for a presentation of a case and its sequential treatment: