Expanded Infection Control Protocol During COVID-19 Pandemic To Keep Patients and Staff Safe

Amid the current COVID-19 pandemic, dental offices have been instructed to postpone all elective procedures and provide only emergency treatments at this time. For such visits, safety of patients and staff are most crucial requiring not only standard infection control protocol but also expanded measures to minimize risk of transmission. Such expanded infection control protocol include:

  • Moving the reception and registration desk outside of the office reception room if possible.
  • Guest chairs outside of the office in the common area placed with social distancing protocol.
  • Disposal or disinfection of pens used for registration forms. Keep a separate container to collect used pens.
  • Have a partition between the front desk and reception room to prevent patients from walking up to the it.
  • Escorting patients directly to the treatment room.
  • Keeping family members or escorts outside of the office in the common area.
  • Use of personal protection equipment by staff at all times.
  • Complete treatment and instructions in the same room. Avoid use of consultation rooms.
  • After treatment, escort patients directly to the common area and then home.
  • Thorough disinfection of all surfaces included door handles, elevator buttons, as well as the treatment room.

See this video on our expanded protocol to keep patients and staff safe during emergency visits