Treatment of Excessive Bony Growths (Exostosis / Tori) in the Jaw Bone
Portfolio of patients with removal of excessive bone growths (exostosis) in their lower jaw.
Partial Extraction Therapy (Coronectomy) for Treatment of an Odontogenic (Dentigerous) Cyst Related to Impacted Wisdom Tooth
Partial extraction therapy (coronectomy) along with cyst removal and bone grafting to manage an odontogenic cyst in this patient.
Traumatic (Simple) Bone Cyst in a 10-Year Old Patient
Diagnosis and treatment of a traumatic bone cyst in the lower jaw of a 10-year old patient.
Removal of a Dental Cyst (Peri-Apical Granuloma) and Bone Grafting for Dental Implant Placement
Removal of a cyst (peri-apical granuloma) in the upper jaw bone along with bone grafting for dental implant placement.
Swelling Related to Ranula Under The Tongue
Marsupialization of a ranula in the floor of mouth
Mesioden (Supernumerary Tooth Between Upper Central Incisors) in a 5-Year Old Male
This report discusses diagnosis and management of a mesioden in a 5-year old patient.
Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia of the Jaw Bone
Patient with bilateral bony lesion involving the lower jaw consistent with focal cemento-osseous dysplasia
Removal of Lower Jaw Dentigerous Cysts and Partial Extraction Therapy (Coronectomy) to Protect the Mandibular Nerve
Discussion of treatment for a patient with bilateral mandibular cysts related to impacted wisdom teeth in close proximity of inferior alveolar nerve.
Salivary Gland Stones
Patient with salivary gland stone associated with Wharton's duct of submandibular gland
Delayed Eruption of Second Molar Blocked by Impacted and Malformed Wisdom Tooth
Diagnosis and treatment of a delayed second molar obstructed by a malformed third molar
Lower Jaw Cyst
Patient with lower jaw cyst due to a chronic infection from a tooth. The tooth and the cyst were removed and reconstructed with bone graft.
Supernumerary Teeth in a 7-Year Old Male- Diagnosis and Management
Diagnosis and management of supernumerary teeth in a 7 year old patient