Oral & Facial
Emergency Appointment
Tooth loss, fractured jaw bones, or cuts to the mouth and face are especially difficult for a person to cope with. People are often nervous and upset, and faced with long waiting times at emergency rooms. In addition, the hospital may not even have the right specialist on staff to treat oral and facial injuries.

Teeth Fractures
Also known as dentoalveolar trauma, teeth may break, move and loosen, or come completely out of their socket. Depending on the nature and degree of the injury, several different treatment options are available:
Broken Teeth
Tooth fracture involving enamel only or extension into dentin, or deeper structures.
Displaced (loosened) Teeth
Teeth that have displaced or pushed out of position are referred to as subluxation
Knocked Out (Luxated) Teeth
Teeth that are knocked or pushed completely out of the socket are referred to as luxation.
Facial Fractures
Facial fractures may involve lower or upper jaws as well as cheek bone, eye bone, nasal, and forehead regions. Jaw fractures may also involve segments containing teeth and other oral structures. As member of the trauma team at the Suburban Hospital, we manage all oral and facial injuries.
Jaw Fractures
Jaw fractures may involve the upper (maxilla) or the the lower (mandible) jaws.
Cheek Bone Fractures
Cheek bone fractures are referred to as ZMC (zygomatico-maxillary complex) fractures. When displaced, the cheek bone will appear flat and sunken.
Nasal / Orbital / Frontal Bone Fractures
Other midfacial fractures include nasal and orbital (eye bone) fractures.
Oral and Facial Lacerations (Cuts)
We manage all lacerations or cuts to oral and facial structures. Utilizing plastic closure techniques, lacerations are carefully repaired to optimize healing and minimize scarring.

Home Care Instructions
Home care instructions
Instructions for Jaw Fractures
Instructions following treatment of jaw fractures
Wound Care for Lacerations
Wound care instructions for oral and facial lacerations
Related Information for Injuries
Treatment Fees and Insurance
Information on treatment fees, insurance benefits, and payment options
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions on oral and facial injuries
Detailed brochure on oral and facial injuries