Scheduling your patients
Office hours
Referral forms
Emergency patients
Number of appointments
Staying informed about patient progress
Effective patient referrals
Unable to complete a difficult extraction
Handling poor treatment outcomes
Inter-Office Communication
Scheduling your patients
Your patients may schedule an emergency, urgent, or routine appointment. We are flexible in accommodating your patients’ time and scheduling needs and can usually see them within 10 days. Appointments for emergencies and urgent care are available immediately.
Office hours
We are open Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM for routine patient appointments. But we are available after hours and on weekends for emergencies. We also offer weekend scheduling for patients with unique circumstances.
Referral forms
A referral form is required for all patients referred to our office and is an important document for both medico-legal and communication purposes. The best way to send referral forms is online through our website. The web form sends automatic notifications to us, your office, and the patient about the referral and makes communication very easy. You can also send a regular paper form (we’ll be happy to send you some) which should include patient’s name, date, referring doctor’s name, and requested procedures. Please make sure to keep a copy for your record before giving it to the patient. You may also fax the form to us at (301) 654-7050.
Radiographs are required for every patient. These include Panorex, Periapical X-rays, or CT scans, as appropriate. Only X-rays with good diagnostic quality and taken within six months are acceptable. Available digital X-rays (jpeg format) may be sent as attachments on our online referral form or emailed to [email protected]. Actual films may be given to patients to bring or mailed directly to our office. Please DO NOT fax radiographs as they are not diagnostic. Please make sure all X-rays (digital or films) are labeled properly with patient’s name, date taken, and referring doctor’s name.
Emergency patients
All emergency patients can be seen on the same day or the following day as appropriate. Please call our office and send your patient right over. Send a referral form and any available X-rays online or give them to the patient to bring.
Number of appointments
For most routine extractions, third molar surgery, and minor biopsies, we offer evaluation and surgery on the same day. For dental implants, bone grafting, canine exposures, cysts, and orthognathic surgeries, an initial evaluation is required. A follow-up appointment is usually recommended, however, if for whatever reason a patient cannot return for a follow-up, we can place resorbable sutures and follow-up with them via telephone or email.
Staying informed about patient progress
Evaluation letters, surgical letters, and patient updates are always sent to you on the day of your patient’s appointment. We will also call you with any unusual circumstances, needs, or information about your patient’s progress. We will notify you of upcoming procedures, appointments, and treatments that require collaborative efforts. You will never be in the dark.
Effective patient referrals
Increase patient acceptance of your referral and treatment recommendations by following these practices:
- Build confidence by giving patients your personal testimonial and verbal recommendations with conviction about our office and Dr. Kazemi’s skills. If you don’t have much experience with us yet, we’ll be happy to show you some of our results and help you become more familiar with us.
- Respond appropriately to patient’s questions or objections about finances or distance. See our Effective Patient Referral Guide.
- Provide only ONE referral form to the patient. Avoid multiple referral forms which often undermines confidence and alignment.
- Become familiar with our payment options to better address patient questions about finances.
Unable to complete a difficult extraction
If for whatever reason, you cannot complete a difficult tooth extraction, call us and send your patient right over. We recommend the 15-minute rule that says: if the tooth can not be extracted within 15 minutes, stop, re-evaluate, and make the appropriate recommendation. You and your patient will be happy you did. Don’t risk losing a patient by engaging in a long and traumatic extraction experience.
Handling poor treatment outcomes
If you have performed a surgical procedure on your patient and are experiencing poor outcomes, it is best to inform the patient and make an appropriate recommendation and referral for evaluation by an oral surgeon. This includes post-operative infections, paresthesia, bony dehiscence, or poor implant positioning. Call Dr. Kazemi directly and discuss the situation with him to expedite evaluation and treatments to resolve the complications. Fully document your treatment, recommendations, and the referral. We will see your patient immediately and provide appropriate treatment to resolve the issues.
Inter-Office Communication
All patient related correspondence may be sent to [email protected]
All correspondence directly to Dr. Kazemi may be sent to [email protected]
To provide us with your contact and team information, please download form and send to [email protected]