Types of oral lesions:
- Cysts: ’empty space’ or cavities in the jaw bone
- Masses: Any lesion that is raised or looks like a lump)
- Ulcerated lesions: Painful areas where tissue has been eroded)
- Lesions: A generic name referring to anything that is abnormal. It may be a mass, ulcer, or an area of abnormal tissue. It may be pigmented, white, red, or combination)
Any abnormality must be evaluated and treated as soon as possible by an oral surgeon. A biopsy is generally indicated for any abnormal condition which has not resolve spontaneously in 7-10 days.
Benign lesions / masses:
- Slow growing
- Well delineated
- Usually not painful, unless they are ulcerated or irritated
Malignant lesions /masses:
- Grow rapidly
- May be painful
- Has broad attachment to underlying tissue
- May have irregular borders
- May have ulcerations