Immediate implants refer to the situation in which implants are placed immediately following teeth extraction. This approach is highly predictable and successful ONLY if it is done in the right site with certain conditions.
Immediate Implants may be Considered If:
- They are placed in single rooted teeth. These include incisors, canines, and some premolars. They should be avoided in the molars due to the risk of increased complications and failure.
- The existing bone is relatively healthy and abundant. The bone surrounding the extracted tooth which will support the implant must be intact with no major bone loss or defects. In this case it is best to graft the site, restore the bone, and place the implant once the graft has healed.
- There is no infection or pus present. Placement of implants in a site with infection has high failure rates and will not heal properly
- The diameter of the extracted tooth is relatively smaller than the implant being used. This is important, because proper implant healing requires direct contact between the implant and bone and good stability. If the implant is loose in the extracted site, it will fail.
Common Indications for Immediate Implants:
- Fracture or loss of a front tooth with healthy underlying bone.
- Extraction of a decayed incisor, canine, or a thin premolar with no infection and healthy underlying bone.
- Extraction of multiple teeth in the front area, where there is a good amount of bone present.
Immediate Implants Should be Avoided:
- In molars and some premolars
- In the presence of infection
- If significant bone is missing
- If the implant cannot be held tightly in the bone because of the wide diameter of the extracted tooth.