Local Anesthesia

This is the ‘numbing’ only approach. The patient is fully awake. Although he or she is numbed sufficiently so there is no pain, there are other sensations that may be uncomfortable, such as pressure, vibrations, or sounds.

Local anesthesia is also given to patients following IV sedation or nitrous oxide sedation. The numbness gradually resolves over three to four hours following the procedure.

What to Expect Following Local Anesthesia:

Depending on the site of the local anesthesia, you may experience numbness in the following areas:

  • Teeth
  • Gum tissues
  • Lip
  • Chin
  • Tongue
  • Palate (roof of mouth)
  • Side of nose


Allergies to current forms of local anesthesia are extremely rare. Some patients have reported allergies to ‘novacaine’ which is no longer used. This allergic response was actually to a preservative component of the local anesthesia solution which is no longer used.

Common Forms of Local Anesthesia:

  • Lidocaine
  • Prilocaine
  • Mepivicaine
  • Septocaine