Dental Implant Placement and Sinus Lift Bone Graft in Less Than 30 Minutes
In this video, Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi demonstrates the digital workflow for diagnostics and planning, and describes a conservative approach for placement of a single dental implant with simultaneous sinus lift bone grafting which can be done in less than 30 minutes.
Patient Guide to Sinus Lift Bone Grafting For Dental Implants
This video provides patients with the basic information about sinus lift bone grafting for dental implants.
Single Stage Dental Implant Placement and Sinus Lift Bone Graft Using Internal Osseodensification Technique
In this video, Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi performs a dental implant placement in a site with insufficient height of bone due to maxillary sinus proximity. A minimally-invasive internal sinus lift using osseodensification technique is demonstrated. Patients recover quick with no swelling and minimal discomfort.
Sinus Lift Bone Grafting for Dental Implants
This video discusses sinus lift bone augmentation for dental implants. Dr. Kazemi presents the rational, techniques, and how the procedure is performed.
Staged Tooth Extraction & Site Bone Graft and Sinus Lift Bone Graft to Develop Dental Implant Site
Staged ridge and sinus lift bone grafting to develop dental implant site.
Bone Regeneration / Grafting and Dental Implants
Dental implants success depends on many factors including patient health, proper diagnosis and treatment planning, team approach between the oral surgeon, restorative dentist, and other team members, as well as normal and healthy bone where implants are placed. This podcast reviews techniques used to correct a three dimensional jaw bone defect to allow proper positioning of dental implants and bridge.