For Staff
Latest Past Events
Staff Meeting #4: How to Hire Top Talents?
The Forum 4825 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 302, BethesdaCancellations are a costly and disruptive problem for any dental practice. While some cancellations are legitimate, most occur because of patient’s lack of value for the reserved appointment. In this program, we’ll discuss why cancellations happen and what you can do to minimize them.
Staff Meeting #3: Is Your Team Aligned with The Practice’s Vision?
The Forum 4825 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 302, BethesdaIn our experience, when patients ask their dentist or staff about oral surgery procedures, over 70% of the answers are either inaccurate or outdated. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the top 10 frequently asked questions about oral surgery and contemporary information to help you educate your patients and maximize their treatment acceptance.
Staff Meeting # 2: How to Minimize Appointment Cancellations
The Forum 4825 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 302, BethesdaCancellations are a costly and disruptive problem for any dental practice. While some cancellations are legitimate, most occur because of patient’s lack of value for the reserved appointment. In this program, we’ll discuss why cancellations happen and what you can do to minimize them.