
Dental Implants in the Smile Zone: 5 Crucial Principles for Success Dental implants are great solutions for teeth replacement, however when performed in the smile zone, they require detailed planning, careful techniques, and coordinated effort between the expert clinicians. This podcast discusses 5 key principles for achieving predictable ...

Team Watkins & Kazemi- Patient Album This album contains example of patients treated by Dr. Ben Watkins and Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi.Uploaded by: H. Ryan Kazemi, DMDHosted: vimeo...

Launching of

I am pleased to announce the launching of, an online forum providing dentists a place of gathering, for communication, collaboration, sharing experiences , and learning through collective intelligence. The site is open only to Washington DC area dentists with plans to extend to othe...

Launching of I am pleased to announce the launching of, an online forum providing dentists a place of gathering, for communication, collaboration, sharing experiences , and learning through collective intelligence. The site is open only to Washington DC area dentists with...

Bone Regeneration / Grafting and Dental Implants

Dental implants success depends on many factors including patient health, proper diagnosis and treatment planning, team approach between the oral surgeon, restorative dentist, and other team members, as well as normal and healthy bone where implants are placed. This podcast reviews techniques use...